Applying the Ashford Formula does not require a lot of time, or involve complicated procedures. If applying to existing concrete, the floor needs to be prepared so that it is clean, bare concrete. This means that curing agents, dirt, paints, coatings, bondbreakers, oil spills and other contaminants are stripped and/or removed completely.
For optimum performance, the Ashford Formula must be able to penetrate the surface so it can react with the concrete. Only one application of the Ashford Formula is needed to permanently densify the concrete surface.
The Ashford Formula densifies with a unique and unmatched catalytic chemistry. Nearly 70 years ago, the Ashford Formula was developed as an alternative to coatings. When this product first came on the market, there were many skeptics who could not believe that one product could permanently make floor surfaces resistant to abrasion, easy to clean and free of dust.
Almost seven decades of performance have proven them wrong. These permanent results are achieved through the unique and unmatched catalytic chemistry. The concept is very simple: a concrete floor surface is internally densified through a process of crystalline growth. The same reaction also hardens the concrete and locks up the dust. Because the chemistry is inorganic, there is nothing to wear out, scratch or peel
Concrete floors need to be durable. The Ashford Formula makes concrete abrasion resistant. In fact, abrasion testing shows that an Ashford Formula treated floor will be 32% harder within the first 30 minutes of treatment. The treated concrete will continue to harden over time. The Ashford Formula also acts as a supplement to surface and aggregate hardeners. .
When used as a curing agent, the Ashford Formula slows the outward migration of water from concrete. Its chemical reaction forms a densified barrier that reduces shrinkage, reduces cracking and reduces hairline checking. And, we have the testing to prove it. .
Concrete floors need to be free of dust. Concrete naturally creates dust from efflorescence, which then settles on finished goods, racks and equipment. The Ashford Formula combines with the salts in concrete to become an integral part of the concrete, thus completely dustproofing the surface. This substantially reduces maintenance costs and protects sensitive equipment and manufactured products from dust particles.
The Ashford Formula reduces construction costs. It requires only one, permanent application. This eliminates the need to apply a curing membrane, which requires removal from the floor at a later time. When used at the time of placement, the Ashford Formula also significantly reduces crazing, or “map cracking” because it stabilizes the surface. This property of the Ashford Formula makes it especially useful for outdoor applications because it makes the concrete resistant to freeze-thaw damage. The Ashford Formula eliminates the need for repeated applications of urethanes, waxes, acrylics and other expensive maintenance-intensive floor coatings.
Because the Ashford Formula permanently densifies concrete, foreign matter such as oil, alkali, free lime and traffic scum are easily removed with regular cleaning. A regular maintenance program is highly recommended for any floor to remove surface contaminants and any acids or other corrosive materials should be removed immediately from the floor.
Steel troweled concrete floors treated with the Ashford Formula also take on a permanent and attractive marble-like sheen. The longer these floors are subjected to cleaning and traffic, the better they look. Floors treated with the Ashford Formula also have fewer tire marks from forklifts and other equipment. If tire marks do occur, they can be easily removed.
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