Ameripolish Dyes

The RetroPlate Concrete Polishing System works successfully with bare concrete, both old and new, and in conjunction with the new generation of solvent-based dyes. It can deliver both the earthen colors associated with acid stains, as well as colors across the spectrum.

When combined with RetroPlate Concrete Polishing System, you can now realize the benefits of solvent-based dyes that are manufactured and shipped in dry powder form. AmeriPolish Dye, distributed by RetroPlate Concrete Polishing System (Curecrete), can be applied alone or in conjunction with acid stain as a highlight. Let your imagination create beautiful floors that reflect the inherent beauty of natural stone at a fraction of the cost!.

  • Available in 22 standard colors
  • Custom colors available for a minor fee
  • Dye colors can be comined to create unlimited color variations
  • All dye colors are earth friendly

Standard Color

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*Note: The concrete in these color samples have been ground, dyed and polished. The specks of color within the concrete are bits of aggregate exposed during the grinding process. Colors viewed online are relative and will vary based on a project to project basis.


The colors on this chart and the colors you achieve on your floor may vary. Always test on a small sample area in order to confirm dye receptivity, and to establish desired dye color.